Report Ghost Fishing Gear

If you come across lost, abandonded or discarded fishing gear, whether in the sea or on land, here's what to do...

Report an animal in danger

If you find any marine life in danger whether through entangling in fishing gear, stranded or otherwise please contact the BDMLR Rescue Hotline immediately on 01825 765546 (24hr)

More information can be found on the BDMLR website here

Report ghost fishing gear

If you come across ghost fishing gear, whether it's in the sea, on the beach or by the coast, please click here and head to the Neptune's Pirates 'Report Ghost Gear' form 

Or email them with as much information:

They're a fantastic U.K. marine conservation charity on a mission to end the destruction of habitats and the illegal killing of marine wildlife around the U.K's coastline and across the ocean, and can help retrieve it wherever it is